"Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man." ~Rabindranath Tagore
The Mothers Without Borders Boutiques were held November 6 and 7 in Lehi and Layton. Five of us went to the Mt. Timpanogas Temple Friday morning, then we met at Porter's Place in Lehi for Lunch. Afterward, we went to the boutique in Lehi that was held at the Mellor Hidden Meadows Mansion.
The boutique was filled with beautiful items that were made in Africa by women who are being lifted and helped by the MWB program, as well as many hand crafted items from local artisans and crafters. Beautiful jewelry, wood carvings, dolls that are named after some of the little girls in Africa, crocheted scarves, quilts, seasonal decor, clothing, carved canes, and all sorts of fine handiwork were available at the boutique as well as great five minute massages.
We even got to see Kathy Headlee, who is the founder of this great organization that serves "children in orphanages in Romania, Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, Nepal and Bolivia and those living in the streets in Africa and India, it is our goal to send a message of hope and offer real solutions to the serious problems these children face."
Be thinking of craft items that you can make throughout the year to donate to this great cause. Truly even small efforts forward make a difference in our world.