Sunday, July 8, 2018

June We CAN - Look at what you have

"If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough." -Oprah Winfrey

Our June We CAN meeting was held at Ardis' home in Elk Ridge. 

The ladies attending today were Lesa and Faith, Barbara, Carol, Sharon, Kathy, Ardis, Cathie, and Sandy
We made more blankets for
"Hearts Knit Together," an organization which furnishes kits for refugees and for the 16 women's shelters in Utah (for victims of domestic violence).

We finished eleven blankets today.
Ardis, Sandy, Kathy, Sharon and Carol

I Alone Cannot Change the World ~ May We CAN

"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples." -Mother Teresa

Our "May" We Can was held on Monday, April 30, 10:00 a.m. at Sharon Dahlstrom's home.

We made fleece blankets for kids.  These blankets were delivered to "Hearts Knit Together," an organization which furnishes kits for refugees and for the 16 women's shelters in Utah (for victims of domestic violence).

Everyone has a Purpose - March We CAN

"Everyone has a purpose in life and a unique talent to give to others."
Kallam Anji Reddy

Our March We Can meeting was Monday, March 5th at Barbara's home.  Attending were Brittany, Jessie, Barbara, Carolyn, Cathie

We collected diapers for the Utah Diaper Bank. This organization partners with crisis nurseries, homeless shelters, food banks, refugee centers, and other organizations who serve families in crisis.  The Utah Diaper Bank donates more than 20,000 diapers/month.

We worked on two different projects:
Those who like to knit or crochet, made scarves for "Remember Nhu," an organization that runs homes of refuge for children at risk for sex trade.  They currently have 80 homes in 15 countries and serve 1,800 children.  The scarves are six to eight inches wide and 48 to 60 inches long and can be colorful and bright and made with many different colors.

We also worked on the fun felt shape toys.  These go in school kits sent out by the American Fork Humanitarian Center.  They are fun to make.

We enjoyed a potluck lunch

We received a thank you letter from the Festival of Trees thanking us for our donations.  Here's a quote from the letter:
"Parents whose children suffer with a chronic or life-threatening illness walk one of life's most difficult paths.  Fortunately, because of you, they don't have to do it alone.  In the grateful words of one parent, by supporting the Festival of Trees," you choose to hold the hand of each child who comes to Primary Children's Hospital broken, sick, or for safety.  Your help reassures moms like me, staring at the ceiling at night, that we live in neighborhoods of people who care."

We received a lovely Thank you note from "Remember Nhu," with a photo of some of the children wearing  their scarves.