"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." ~ Albert Einstein
Tuesday, May 4th we met at Lynn's home. Lynn, Judy, Kathy, Ortensia, Ardis, Phyllis, Paulette, Patti and Carolyn worked together, tying a baby quilt for a child at Primary Children's Medical Center and the ladies sewed 22 missionary Christmas socks that will be sold at the Festival of Trees, a benefit fund raiser for Primary Children's Medical Center.
We also celebrated Ortensia's birthday during our PotLuck Lunch.
Lynn finished binding the quilt we did in April for the Primary Children's Medical Center
and brought it for everyone to see. It is shown below.
One of the Best Gifts Ever ~ PAY IT FORWARD
A friend who just went through an extended illness and recovery said that one of the most thoughtful gifts she received was from her daughter, who came and filled up her freezer with meals to use after her surgery. Paying it forward, she in turn organized all of the ladies in our WE CAN group, who also brought freezer meals for one of our dear friends who is successfully battling cancer.
We hope you feel all of our love and all of our prayers each time you go to your freezer!