"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." ~ John F Kennedy
Carolyn with one of the lollipops that helped decorate the tree |
Just a few of the stockings we stuffed for Soldiers serving in the Armed Forces |
Tuesday, November 2nd was a busy day for the We CAN Humanitarian group. We met at Carolyn's home and stuffed stockings to send to soldiers overseas. Ladies brought toiletries, food, candy, breath mints, chewing gum, playing cards, and other useful items and each sock was topped off by a Patriotic Bear that the soldiers can share with a child in the area they are serving.
Carol, Judy and Paulette stuffing pet treats into stockings. |
We also filled stockings with pet treats to be sold at the Gift Shoppe at the Festival of Trees.
Kathy and Phyllis decorating the tree. |
Barbara, Carolyn and Paulette putting final touches on the tree |
We decorated our tree for the Festival of Trees that will be held Dec 1-4 at the South Town Expo Center in Sandy, Utah
Judy, Patti and Phyllis cutting coupons. |
We also cut out more coupons to be sent to soldiers and their families. Carolyn received a Thank You note from one of the bases that we sent coupons to a couple of months ago ~ they were very grateful for the coupons they received.