There is a lot that happens around the world we cannot control.
We cannot stop earthquakes,
we cannot prevent droughts,
and we cannot prevent all conflict,
but when we know where the hungry,
the homeless and the sick exist,
then we can help.”
~Jan Schakowsky
Our September We Can meeting was held on Monday, September 10, 10:00 a.m. at Carol"s house. Carol, Paula, Jessica, Lesa, Maureen, Ardis, and Carolyn met together to work on ornaments for the Festival of Trees tree.
Paula, who is designing our tree for the Festival of Trees had ornaments for us to work on We are doing a "bee" themed tree. We also worked on finishing neighbor gifts for the gift shop at Festival of Trees Some of the ladies embroidered and did some backstitching on some dishtowels that will go with the tree.
We collected food for the Little Free Pantry in Payson. The pantry accepts only non-perishables (things that are canned or boxed). Ardis suggested donating food with pop-top cans (so the client doesn't need a can opener to use it) ;things that are ready to eat like crackers and cheese; fruit snacks; and foods that are complete by themselves, like canned chili con carne ( foods that don't need other ingredients) etc. The pantry also accepts personal care items, paper goods, and baby things (no medicine, razors, cleaning supplies, clothing or used goods).
The Little Free Food Pantry in Payson