"Some believe that is is only
Great Power that can hold evil in check.
But that is not what I've found.
I found it is the Small Things.
Every Day Deeds
By Ordinary Folk
That Keeps the Darkness at Bay."
~ Gandalf, Lord of the Rings, J.R.R.Tolkien
January 2019
- Collected: onesies and socks for baby kits for Lifting Hands International Projects
- Projects
- Tied a Quilt for American Fork Hospital
Carol and Barbara tying fleece edges |
- Made Fleece Blankets for Utah County Welcome Baby Home Visit program for At Risk Babies.
- Assembled pediatric grab/activity bags for American Fork Hopsital
- Assembled Baby Kits for Lifting Hands International (refugees)
February 2019
- Collected items for Venezuela (gently used clothing and shoes; shampoo, deodorant, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrusehs, sanitary pads, etc
- Project
Carolyn, Ardis, KD, Barbara and Carol making Valentines |
- We made homemade Valentines for local assisted living centers
March 2019
- Collected items for move-in kits for homeless (bathroom kits, kitchen kits and cleaning kits
- Projects
CArol, Sharon, Barbara, KD, Carolyn, Vicky and Ardis sewing T-shirt dresses |
- We made 16 T-shirt dresses for an orphanage in Africa
- Turned in 50 knitted and crocheted scarves for Remember Nhu (escapees from sexual slavery).
April 2019
- Collected food for childrens' nutrition packs for the Provo Community Action Services, the Utah County Food Bank
Ardis, Maureen, Carolyn and Barbara getting kit assembly ready to go |
- Projects
- Assembled 40 nutrition packs
Carolyn with the Lady Bug Patterns |
- Made 40 lady bug craft kits for Primary Children's hospital.
May 2019
- Collected items for hygiene kits for opphanage in Juarez, Mexico which included washcloths, toothbrushes, toothpste, comb, soap. We completed 124 kits.
- Projects
- Assembled hybiene kits for Mexican orphanage
- Decorated 100 envelopes for Magic Yarn Project. They make Disney and super hero wigs for pediatric cancer patients.
- Worked on alphabet/number books for AF Humanitarian Center (Launfal).
Ardis, Maureen and Heidi working on envelopes for the Magic Yarn Project. |
- Learned how to make plarn (plastic yarn) for crocheted sleeping mats for homeless Bags to Beds project.
JUNE 2019
- Collected summer clothes for Christmas Box Resource Room in Provo for foster children.
Heidi, Carolyn, Ardis Barbara and KD working on gift items for the Festival of Trees Boutique |
- Projects:
- Made neighbor gifts to donate to the Festival of Trees Gift Boutique
- Started ornaments for our tree for the Festival of Trees.
- Collected 48 onesies for the Utah County Welcome Baby Home Visit program for At Risk Babies.
- Projects
- Cut plarn strips for the Heber Valley Correctional Facility inmates to make plarn and crochet sleeping mats for homeless.
Barbara, Vicky and Sandy - plarning away |
Barbara's crocheted plarn sleeping mat |
- Barbara had completed a crocheted sleeping mat - finished and ready to turn in.
- We worked on ornaments for the Festival of Trees .
October 2019
- Collected gently used shoes for Soles 4 Souls - shoes for 127 countries around the world.
- Projects
- Decorated 24 journals for Hearts Knit Together. These journals go in kits for women in shelters around Utah
November 2019
- Collected food for the Little Free Pantry in Payson
- Projects
- We made neighbor gifts to donate to the Festival of Trees Boutique for Primary Childrens' Hospital.
- Finished ornaments for our Festival of Tree tree.
- Practiced Decorating our Tree so we could see how it was going to look and make any last minutes changes or additions.
This is the meeting where we go up to the Mt America Center to decorate our tree for the Festival of Trees.
We donated a music themed tree, complete with tree skirt, Silent Night framed print and stand, Christmas music C.D's, antique bronze music stand with Christmas sheet music, and a Christams songbook with 100 Christmas Carols. Our tree was called "Carols of Christmas." We also donated eight different kinds of neighbor gifts (266 total items to the Festival of Trees Gift Shop.
Vicky, Sharon, Carolyn, KD, Sandy, Ardis |
"Well done is better than well said."
~ Benjamin Franklin