“To live will be an awfully big adventure.”
This is the 45th year for the Festival of Trees and We CAN's sixth year doing a tree for the Festival. This year, our creative, talented artistic director, Paula Perkins, took us to Never Never Land through the Darling's Nursery window.
Carolyn and Paula ~ getting us all started |
We arrived at the South Town Center this morning on a cold, beautiful bright winter's day. Our number was on the opposite side of the hall, so we all hoped that it would be a little warmer this year, but not to be - our booth was right in front of a big, OPEN bay door and the wind was cold. We put on our coats and mittens!
Paula and Carolyn decorating the tree |
We are given a 9 x 7 space, which can be challenging when trying to fit two beds, a rocking chair, a Christmas tree and lots of presents!
Rae Lee, Carol and Sandy covered the frames with fabric |
We spent a couple of hours on this cold concrete floor, stapling fabric to the frames -
Paula makes certain that everything is wired in and just perfect! Everything on the tree must be wired in to the branches and there is re-bar going up the center of the tree that is connected to the tree stand below, making the tree solid and easily transported to the new owners after the Festival.
Carolyn, Paula and Sue working on the ornaments for the tree.
Tinkerbell is the star of the show - she appears inside the paper lanterns and on the colorful clocks and takes the show on top of the tree
The bright colorful garland is all folded paper, wooden spools and ribbon
Second Star to the Right and Straight on Til Morning!
John and Michael's beds are covered with bright home-made quilts and matching pillowcases
Carol's getting feisty with the electric tools!
Because of a few technical difficulties and rules that we were not aware of, Paula had to re-design some of the background scenes . . . and they turned out beautifully. There are silhouettes of Michael, Peter and Wendy flying over the London Skyline.
All the banners add a personal touch and festive look to the Nursery
This year's crew minus Scott, who helped in spite of a recent shoulder surgery
Lynn, Rae Lee, Carolyn, Carol, Paula, Sue and Sandy
All finished! And what a fun Nursery
Ahhh, we were all cold (freezing cold) hungry and tired . . . it was so great to sit down at Olive Garden to visit eat and relax Lynn, Carolyn, Paula, Sue, Rae Lee, Carol and Sandy behind the camera Festival of Trees runs from Wednesday, December 2 through Saturday, December 5th at the South Town Center in Sandy, Utah. All proceeds go to help children at Primary Children's Hospital get the medical care they need. Many of the trees done for the festival are dedicated to children or other loved ones and their stories are always inspirational and touching. It is a great way to help children in need. We work together on our tree and crafts that will be sold at the Festival Boutique throughout the year ~ so it feels like Christmas all year long!. We enjoy lots of laughter, fun and many hours of service together. They are all great ladies! |
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