January 2015
Projects:- Colored Alphabet Sheets for the AF Humanitarian Center School Kits
- Covered Journals for Hearts Knit Together (serving Utah's battered women's shelters)

Collected: Matching Shampoo & Conditioner for Hearts Knit Together
February 2015
Project: Made 135 homemade valentines for Payson and Santaquin Nursing Homes
Collected: Items for birthday kits for the Food Bank. Each kit had 6 things: cake mix, candles, matches, birthday banner, birthday card and a small toy. We donated 23 Birthday Kits.
March 2015
Project: We met at the Food Bank in Provo for 1 1/2 hours service and a tour of the facility, then we went out to lunch.
Collected: Items for the backpack kits for the Food Bank. School teachers put the kits in backpacks of school kids who will need food for the weekend. We turned in 30 completed kits plus items for many more.
April 2015
Project: Made shape toys for school kits for American Fork Humanitarian Center.
Collected: Hair spray, shampoo and condition for the Center for Women and Children in Crisis.
May 2015
Project: Sewed 200 diapers for birth kits for the American Fork Humanitarian Center
June 2015
Collected: Premie and newborn clothing for Newborns in Need
July 2015
Project: Made ornaments for our Festival of Trees tree - pinwheels, lanterns, Tinkerbell clocks
Collected: Clothes for Ukraine and temple clothing for Tijuana Temple patrons
August 2015
Project: Worked on ornaments for our Festival of Trees Peter Pan themed tree
Collected: School supplies for school kits for the Food Bank
September 2015
Collected: Supplies for Days for Girls
October 2015
Project:Filled Christmas socks for soldiers and finished the tree garlands; made shape toys for the AF Humanitarian Center
Collected: Items to fill the soldier Christmas socks
November 2015
Project: Made 163 assorted neighbor gifts to be sold at Festival of Trees Gift Boutique
Collected: Muffin mixes for some of the neighbor gifts we were making
December 2015
Project: Set up our tree at the Festival of Trees. This is the 7th tree We CAN has donated ~ we especially appreciate all of Paula's artistic design and hard work to get the tree ready. This year's tree sold for $950. With the tree, neighbor gifts and flannel boards that we made for the Festival of Trees Boutique, our We CAN group helped raise $1300 for Primary Childrens' Hospital.

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